I want Pluto to be a planet again poster

I want Pluto to be a planet again

I want Pluto to be a planet again - 2016 - Color - 13 mn French - France - Animation
  • Direction
    Marie Amachoukeli, Vladimir Mavounia-Kouka
Short film competition - Presentation reserved to audience above 16

Marcus is H-. He wants to become a H+ by participating to the Big Lottery.

Sunday 10 September 2017 - 19:45 - Showroom 100 - Screening reserved to audience above 16
Thursday 14 September 2017 - 15:45 - Showroom 100 - Screening reserved to audience above 16
  • I want Pluto to be a planet again - 1
  • I want Pluto to be a planet again - 2

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