Yuji an ordinary insignificant Tokyoite, discovers he’s stricken by a cancer that leaves him only a few weeks to live. Hence, when the city is covered by a huge alien glass dome, Yuji listens only to his courage and goes off to fight the necrobrogs, those monstrous creatures.from outer space.
Ten years after signing the special effects for Yūdai Yamaguchi and Jun'ichi Yamamoto’ s Meatball machine, the outrageous Yoshihiro Nishimura (Tokyo Gore Police, Hell Driver) delivers this even wilder sequel. A demented splatter movie with Eihi Shiina (Audition), Takumi Saitô (RoboGeisha) and Ami Tomite (Antiporno) next to which the first opus looks like a minimalist swedish drama from the fifties. The festival’s zany moment.