Forbidden files poster

Forbidden files

Les documents interdits - 1986 / 1989 - Black and white with color - 36 mn French - France - Found footage
  • Direction
    Jean-Teddy Filippe
  • Production
    Jean-Teddy Filippe, La Sept-Arte, INA, MBA-Films
  • Screenplay
    Jean-Teddy Filippe
  • Editing
    Jean-Teddy Filippe

Le Naufragé (Shipwrecked): The diary of a shipwrecked man.

Les Fantômes (Ghosts) : In the distance, “those that cannot be named” appear mysteriously.

La Sorcière (The Witch) : A house disappears in the middle of the night.

L'Extraterrestre (The Alien) : In 1961, a peculiar exchange took place on the Takohamo.

La Sibérie (Siberia) : Somewhere in Western Europe, men with special powers are locked in a camp.

Tuesday 12 September 2017 - 19:15 - Showroom 300 - In the presence of the directors - Screening presented by the Mauvais Genres team

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