
Paul, a lonely teenager, lives next to a psychiatric hospital. One day he meets Gloria, a young girl of his age...

After Calvaire and Alleluia, Fabrice du Welz brilliantly ends his Ardennes trilogy with Adoration, surely his most tender and delicate film, that benefits from camera man Manu Dacosse's admirable work (Amer, Evolution, The Emperor of Paris). This story is supported by the acting talents of Fantine Harduin (Happy End, In the Mist) and Thomas Gioria (Custody), two revelations we believe will go on to lead great careers and receive numerous awards in the near future.

Adoration. 2019. Color. 99mn. French. France / Belgium. Romance.
Direction: Fabrice du Welz. Production: Manuel Chiche, Vincent Tavier. Screenplay: Vincent Tavier, Fabrice du Welz, Romain Protat. Editing: Anne-Laure Guégan. Photography: Manu Dacosse. Music by: Vincent Cahay. With: Fantine Harduin, Thomas Gioria, Benoît Poelvoorde, Anael Snoek.
Ville de Paris ScreenAnarchy Nova, le grand mix Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication - DRAC Île de France Agnès b. Lobster films Canal+ La septième obsession Geek le mag La Spirale Chaos Reign Première VDM: Video Digital Multimedia