Come to Daddy

Norval Greenwood, a thirty year old city dweller visits his father Gordon whom he hardly knows and who has just sent him a letter saying he had something very important to tell him. And yet Gordon seems bothered by his son's presence... 

If you haven't heard the name Ant Timpson, whose first feature film this is, learn that he's one of the most active producers of genre movies. Amongst others we owe him The ABC of Death, Turbo Kid, and Housebound anthologies along with other bizarre productions. Here's another one, and no minor addition to his palmares, carried by Elijah Wood (Cooties, Maniac) and Stephen McHattie (Pontypool, Dreamland), with a surprising script signed by Toby Harvard (The Greasy Strangler).

Come to Daddy. 2019. Color. 93mn. Original version with French subtitles. USA / New Zealand / Canada / Ireland. Comedy, Horror.
Direction: Ant Timpson. Production: Daniel Bekerman, Toby Harvard, Katie Holly, Mette-Marie Kongsved, Emma Slade, Laura Tunstall. Screenplay: Toby Harvard. Editing: Dan Kircher. Photography: Daniel Katz. Music by: Karl Steven. With: Elijah Wood, Stephen McHattie, Martin Donovan, Michael Smiley.
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