Family romance LLC

Lost in the Tokyo crowd, a man has a rendez-vous with Mahiro, the twelve year old daughter he hasn't seen for years. The encounter starts coldly, but they promise to meet again. What Mahiro doesn't know is that her "father" is really an actor from the Family Romance company, hired by her mother.

Werner Herzog, who switches from documentaries (Grizzly Man, Cave of Forgotten Dreams) to fiction (Fitzcarraldo, Aguirre, My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done?) with great ease, never ceases to surprise. It's once again the case with this film selected for a special screening this year at Cannes, imagined by the film's leading actor, Yuichi Ishii and inspired by his own experience as a "real life actor".

Family romance LLC. 2019. Color. 90mn. Original version with French subtitles. USA. Drama.
Direction: Werner Herzog. Production: Roc Morin. Screenplay: Werner Herzog. Editing: Sean Scannell. Photography: Werner Herzog. Music by: Ernst Reijseger. With: Yuichi Ishii, Mahiro Tanimoto, Miki Fujimaki.
Première ScreenAnarchy Canal+ Ville de Paris Agnès b. Geek le mag La Spirale Nova, le grand mix Chaos Reign VDM: Video Digital Multimedia Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication - DRAC Île de France Lobster films La septième obsession