Hail Satan?

Penny Lane (Our Nixon, the well endowed Nuts!, seen at L'Étrange) returns with a new documentary that leads us into the peculiar world of the Satanic Temple, founded in 2013. Once considered at best as provocateurs or (at the worst and generally) as dangerous monsters endangering society, the faithful now count over a hundred thousand members. The Temple has been officially recognized as a church, and under this denomination they do not hesitate to demonstrate and express their opinions publicly, to the ire of established institutions. A culture shock, both hilarious and perplexing.

Hail Satan?. 2019. Color. 95mn. Original version with French subtitles. USA. Documentary, Heretic.
Direction: Penny Lane. Production: Gabriel Sedgwick. Screenplay: Penny Lane. Editing: Amy Foote, Aaron Wickenden. Photography: Naiti Gámez. Music by: Brian McOmber. With: Lucien Greaves, Satanic Temple members.
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