
In a world of memories, aquatic settings and surrealism nightmares, we wander through a musical infernal maze...

Exceptionally for this 25th edition, the opening short film will not be a new film. It's with a heavy heart that our festival will tonight show the last film by Rosto, a passionate and fascinating film maker who passed away last March. This short film already in last year's competition, brings an end to a series of four films using songs by his band Thee Wreckers as guidelines. Started in 2008 with No Place Like Home, the Thee Wreckers tetralogy went on with Lonely Bones (2012) and Splintertime (2015, Audience Award  at l’Étrange).

Reruns. 2018. Color. 15mn. Sound. The Netherlands / France / Belgium. Animation, Experimental.
Direction: Rosto. Production: Dries Phlypo, Nicolas Schmerkin. Screenplay: Rosto. Editing: Rosto, Nicolas Schmerkin. Photography: Stephan Schmidt, Freek Zonderland. Music by: Rosto. With: Hank Botwinik, Max Bunten, Jurriaan De Vos.
La septième obsession Ville de Paris Lobster films VDM: Video Digital Multimedia Nova, le grand mix Geek le mag Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication - DRAC Île de France ScreenAnarchy Chaos Reign La Spirale Canal+ Agnès b. Première