The fable

An almost superhuman bloodthirsty assassin nicknamed Fable has become a true legend. He accepts to take a year off, but between the yakuzas at odds with him and other killers who want to take his place set on eliminating him, his vacation will prove to be a short one...

Kan Eguchi (Riding Uphill) adapts the adventures of Fable, an extremely popular manga in Japan, signed by Minami Katsuhisa, and good news, Eguchi succeeds in preserving the tone changes from intimist scenes to absurd humor and explosive action sequences, that characterized the original manga. These very well made rollicking sequences are choreographed by Alain Figlarz (Brotherhood of the Wolf, Carbone).

Za Faburu. 2019. Color. 122mn. Original version with English subtitles. Japan. Action, Comedy.
Direction: Kan Eguchi. Screenplay: Watanabe Yusuke. Music by: Antongiulio Frulio. Stunts: Alain Figlarz. With: Jun'ichi Okada, Zuimaro Awashima, Shingo Fujimori, Sôta Fukushi, Toranosuke Katô, Fumino Kimura.
Canal+ Agnès b. Ville de Paris Nova, le grand mix Chaos Reign Première ScreenAnarchy La septième obsession La Spirale Geek le mag VDM: Video Digital Multimedia Lobster films Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication - DRAC Île de France