Bruno Reidal

Poster Bruno Reidal

In 1905, in the Cantal, Bruno Reidal, a young 17-year old boy, surrenders to the authorities after murdering a 12 year old child. To better understand his act, doctors ask him to tell his story, from his childhood to the day of the crime.

Heir to René Allio's ethological approach in his Moi, Pierre Rivière.. and supported by thorough research work, Bruno Reidal draws his material from archives and the assassin's memoirs. He transforms the criminal event into a desperate immersion inside the murderer's brain. How does one fight one's impulses? How is a criminal born? A magnificent and unsettling film, shot on the scene of the crime, in which Vincent Le Port marvelously transmits his own fascination for the subject to the viewer.

Bruno Reidal.

Color - 101mn - French
Drama, Thriller.
Direction: Vincent Le Port.
Production: Roy Arida, Thierry Lounas, Olivier Père, Pierre-Emmanuel Urcun.
Screenplay: Vincent Le Port.
Editing: Jean-Baptiste Alazard.
Photography: Michaël Capron.
With: Dimitri Doré, Roman Villedieu, Jean-Luc Vincent, Alex Fanguin.
Geek le mag Chaos Reign Lobster films La Spirale Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication - DRAC Île de France Ville de Paris Canal+ VDM: Video Digital Multimedia
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