The innocents

Poster The innocents

In the middle of the Scandinavian summer, four children from the tenements discover they have supernatural powers and begin to use them out of the adults' sight. But what they are up to is not as candid as it may seem...

After his unclassifiable Blind, Eskil Vogt, a regular co-writer with Joachim Trier, signs this remarkable horror film and finds wicked pleasure in diverting the genre’s codes while questioning the moral foundations of our society. He totally adopts the kids' point of view, and basks his film in a sunny delicacy, almost anesthetizing, that lets violence burst out even more powerfully. If despite Who Can Kill a Child? and Lord of the Flies you imagine your little superheroes to be angels, Eskil Vogt will crush your last illusions. Let us pray THEY do not come to power.

De Uskyldige.

Color - 117mn - Original version with French subtitles
Horror, Drama.
Direction: Eskil Vogt.
Production: Jessica Balac, Dave Bishop, Maria Ekerhovd, Axel Helgeland, Misha Jaari, Eva Jakobsen, Mikkel Jersin, Lizette Jonjic, Kir Laursten, Mark Lwoff, Lillian Løvseth, Ragna Nordhus Midtgard, Lina Pedersen, Katrin Pors, Magnis Thomassen, Eskil Vogt.
Screenplay: Eskil Vogt.
Editing: Jens Christian Fodstad.
Photography: Sturla Brandth Grøvlen.
Music by: Pessi Levanto.
With: Rakel Lenora Fløttum, Alva Brynsmo Ramstad, Sam Ashraf, Mina Yasmin Bremseth Asheim, Morten Svartveit.
Canal+ Ville de Paris Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication - DRAC Île de France Geek le mag La Spirale Lobster films Chaos Reign VDM: Video Digital Multimedia
Previous editions: 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
© L'Étrange Festival 2021