Other, like me

Poster Other, like me

The long-awaited documentary about the story and creation of Throbbing Gristle as told by its members themselves. Legendary pioneers of industrial music, they've been actors in the British conceptual scene since the late 70s and left a strong imprint on several generations of musicians all over the world.

With these exclusive testimonies, Marcus Werner Hed and Dan Fox take us into the UK under Thatcher, the birthplace of a nihilistic avant-garde and counter culture movements that broke all taboos by using pornography, self-mutilation, entanglements of violent images and chaotic sounds. With Throbbing Gristle, an experimental noise band that brought the performances of COUM Transmissions to a wider audience, Genesis P-Orridge et Cosey Fanni Tutti explore the esthetics of chaos so far as to have been described by a British tory as "destructors of civilisation". Is anything more dangerous than culture?

Other, like me.

Color - 82mn - Original version with French subtitles
United Kingdom.
Direction: Marcus Werner Hed, Dan Fox.
Production: Marcus Werner Hed.
Screenplay: Dan Fox, Marcus Werner Hed.
Editing: Dan Fox, Mariko Montpetit, Jasper Verhorevoort.
Photography: Annika Aschberg, Marcus Werner Hed.
With: Genesis P-Orridge, Cosey Fanni Tutti, Paul Buck, Chris Carter, Peter Christopherson, Spydee Gasmantell.
Lobster films La Spirale Geek le mag Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication - DRAC Île de France Ville de Paris Chaos Reign VDM: Video Digital Multimedia Canal+ Culturopoing.com
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