Petrov's flu

Poster Petrov's flu

Suffering from flu fever, Petrov is led by his friend Igor in a medicated and alcoholic wandering. Progressively, Petrov's childhood memories come back and merge with the present...

By adapting The Petrovs In and Around the Flu by Alexeï Salnikov after his splendid Leto, Kirill Serebrennikov definitely throws narration overboard to fully embrace his hero's delirium. Along his hazy meanderings where temporality is no longer linear, floats the shadow of Wojciech Has and his The Hour-Glass Sanatorium, another great filmic dream. With its both grotesque and serious, violent and idyllic visions, Petrov's Flu embraces chaos and rebellion, with the brilliant exuberance of the Russian soul.

Petrovy v grippe.

Color - 145mn - Original version with French subtitles
Direction: Kirill Serebrennikov.
Production: Pavel Burya, Ilya Dzhincharadze, Murad Osmann, Max Pavlov, Igor Pronin, Olivier Père, Andreas Roald, Ilya Stewart, Dan Wechsler, Yulia Zayceva, Jamal Zeinal Zade.
Screenplay: Alexey Salnikov, Kirill Serebrennikov.
Editing: Yuriy Karikh.
Photography: Vladislav Opelyants.
With: Yuriy Borisov, Yuri Kolokolnikov, Yuliya Peresild, Chulpan Khamatova, Aleksandra Revenko.
Chaos Reign La Spirale Lobster films Canal+ Ville de Paris Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication - DRAC Île de France VDM: Video Digital Multimedia Geek le mag
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