The grandmother

Poster The grandmother

A little boy, bullied by his parents, plants a seed in his bed on the stain caused by his wet dreams. A benevolent grandmother appears there, becoming the only shelter in his miserable life.

 It would be tempting to see The Grandmother and its dysfunctional family tipping into terror as Eraserhead. In this surrealistic masterpiece mixing live shots and animations, human motion reconstructed with stop-motion sends us further into horror.

The grandmother.

Black and white with color - 34mn - Sound
Animation, Horror.
Direction: David Lynch.
Production: David Lynch.
Screenplay: David Lynch.
Photography: David Lynch.
Music by: Tractor.
With: Richard White, Dorothy McGinnis, Virginia Maitland, Robert Chadwick.
Lynne Ramsay

I first saw a David Lynch film, Blue Velvet, aged 15. Half the audience walked out. It was an epiphany. I remained in Blue Velvet for days. The world was Blue Velvet. The sound! - It works so deftly on the unconscious in the nightmarish world of a Lynch film. The world's most original filmmaker. This is where it all began. The Grandmother - Entrapment by one’s own relations is a terrifying thought. Pure dreamscape, monstrosities real and imagined - set to a menacing soundtrack - of course!

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