Tin can

Poster Tin can

As a plague pandemic ravages the world, a renowned parasitologist finds herself trapped in a hibernation chamber. In order to escape, she must do whatever it takes. There is no going back.

In the vein of Possessor by Brandon Cronenberg (a great friend of the director), Tin Can dives into dark, clinical and geometrical anticipation, scrutinizing the way humans confront their flesh to the future. A filmmaker and a visual artist, Seth A. Smith has been able in just a few films to impose an esthetic on the borders of conceptuality, inspired by shapes, lines and faces. What if we were witnessing the birth of a new school of Canadian science-fiction, with its own identity, patterns and themes?

Tin can.

Color - 104mn - Original version with French subtitles
Direction: Seth A. Smith.
Production: Nancy Urich.
Screenplay: Seth A. Smith, Darcy Spidle.
Photography: Kevin A. Fraser.
Music by: Seth A. Smith.
With: Anna Hopkins, Simon Mutabazi, Michael Ironside, Amy Trefry, Tim Dunn, Chik White.
Chaos Reign Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication - DRAC Île de France VDM: Video Digital Multimedia Geek le mag La Spirale Culturopoing.com Canal+ Lobster films Ville de Paris
Previous editions: 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
© L'Étrange Festival 2021