The Theory Of Everything

The Theory Of Everything

(Die Theorie von Allem)

Timm Kröger

  • 2023
  • Germany, Austria, Switzerland
  • Thriller
  • 1h58mn
  • Original version with French subtitles
  • Black and white
French premiere
During the 60s, Johannes, doctoring in physics, accompanies his cursus director to a convention in the Alps. But there, reality seems quite fragile, between an encounter with an enigmatic jazz pianist, an unexplained death and the rumor of a secret hidden under the mountain.
With its bewitching black and white, The Theory of Everything draws as much from Langian expressionism as from the German romantics, carried away by ideal phantom love and cosmic landscapes. Timm Kröger shows a sense of narration that returns to the sources of great mystery novels, from Maurice Renard to Leo Perutz, where multidimensional fantasy and amorous obsessions share the scene. The impossible quest’s melancholy brews as reality fades away, with Diego Ramos Rodriguez’s impressive score amplifying the torment.


10/09 • 21h15 • Screen 500


13/09 • 18h30 • Screen 300



  • With : Jan Bülow, Olivia Ross, Hanns Zischler, Gottfried Breitfuss
  • Screenplay : Roderick Warich, Timm Kröger
  • Photography : Roland Stuprich
  • Editing : Jann Anderegg
  • Music by : Diego Ramos Rodriguez, David Schweighart
  • Production : David Bohun, Heino Deickert, Lixi Frank, Timm Kröger, Viktoria Stolpe