L'Étrange Musique
Friday 16 september 2016, 20h00, Forum des Images, showroom 500

Jaz Coleman - Spoken Word, The Great Transformation
Very special event! In addition to his cinematic carte blanche, and as a preamble of the new Killing Joke world tour which will stop in Europe this fall, Jaz Coleman, the charismatic leader of the band, will have an open heart discussion with the audience. A precious and magical moment, which he describes like this:
« It’s an old adage: “In order to change the world, we have to first change ourselves”. In this presentation, I intend to discuss my firmly-held conviction that every one of us possesses divine genius. And more significantly, I’m going to share certain techniques with the audience that triggered a personal Renaissance in my life. We are going to look at the emerging role of the artist in the 21st century. Not merely as an artist, but as a potential magician who possesses the capacity to shape the future.
We are going to cover the necessity of visualization and pilgrimage. We are going to look at self-fulfilling numbers and Hermetic concepts. Ultimately, I hope to inspire as many people as possible to join me on my forthcoming pilgrimage to South India as this place made a huge change in my life.
We will also look at emerging sociological trends as mankind embraces its transhuman future. We will study the emergence of the priest-scientist and the transformation from democracy to synarchy in a way that we can see ourselves in context to these great changes. »

Test Dept : Redux
Founded 35 years ago, in the emergency of reacting to Thatcher’s liberalism, Test Department has been fighting along with the working class or the social rejects of the greed of wild capitalism.
This is how, in the midst of the collapse of the industrial age, the band got involved and supported the English miners. Very active politically, it created rare and dense works inspired by the manifestos of the English workers.
Using their body as a mean of expressing themselves to share the energy of their anger through a substantial instrumentation based on drum solos, metal percussions and agressive samples to get what they describe as a « stakhanovist sound ». Their live performances are often a « physical test » for their audience, like a cathartic Mass between the primitive spirit of punk and a certain approach of the revolutionary avant-garde.
Until today, the band had never been performing in Paris.

Drahomira Song Orchestra
For two decades, the Drahomira Song Orchestra develops a somptuous and coherent universe like any other in experimental French music.
Part of the Canadian Flesh Eating Ants records company (like other artists such as Edward Ka-Spel and his Legendary Pink Dots), this duo consisting of graphic designer Julien Pacaud and filmmaker Jean-Christophe Sanchez, teaming up for their live perfomances with Swiss singer Pony del Sol, enjoys being on a stage and getting lost in a flamboyant electronic joust which reaches the sublime.
Their live performances, too scarce in France, are exquisite moment where time has no landmark.