
Unwilling to compromise his budding political career, Koo Myung-hui is very embarrassed when his son is involved in a hit and run accident and brings the victim's body back to his parent's home.

Five years ago, L'Étrange discovered A Cappella, the first feature film by a young filmmaker, instantly praised and the recipient of multiple awards and complimented by Martin Scorsese, Lee Chang-dong and many others. Su-jin Lee returns with a four star thriller that only South Korea could produce, a ferocious film, playing on mood changes, and flavored with black humor and a social subtext. With its admirable acting and faultless directing mastery, Idol fits in perfectly with the genre's best recent films.

Idol. 2019. Color. 144mn. Original version with English subtitles. South Korea. Thriller.
Direction: Su-jin Lee. Production: Lee Ji-Yeon. Screenplay: Su-jin Lee. Editing: Choi Hyun-sook. Photography: Son Won-ho. Music by: Kim Tae-seong. With: Sul Kyung-gu, Han Seok-kyu, Chun Woo-hee.
Ville de Paris ScreenAnarchy VDM: Video Digital Multimedia La septième obsession Agnès b. Première La Spirale Canal+ Chaos Reign Geek le mag Lobster films Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication - DRAC Île de France Nova, le grand mix