Come true

Poster Come true

Sarah, a runaway teenager, sees her nights filled with repeating nightmares. One day, she answers a classified ad and participates in a paid study on sleep. But soon she realizes that the doctors are carrying out very dangerous experiments...

Good news: the world of dreams and the powers of the unconscious are still inspirations for filmmakers. Reminiscent by its esthetics to the teen-nightmares crafted by the brilliant Wes Craven in the 80s, Bad Dreams borrows its depressive essence while opting for an ethereal atmosphere, a somnambulist rhythm, in tune with the heroine's plight. Bad Dreams introduces the fabulous Julia Sarah Stone - and her fascinating beauty - as she shares her despair and wanderings. For his second feature film, Canadian filmmaker Anthony Scott Burns  proposes a film as haunting as its music, co-written with the synthpop band Electric Youth, as melancholic and ethereal as it can be.

Come true.

Color - 105mn - Original version with French subtitles
Thriller, Fantasy.
  • 13 September 2021 21:00
    Showroom 300

    Screening in partsnership with Canal+
    FREE SCREENING ! Tickets to retrieve 24 hours before the screening at the salespoint of the Forum des Images (2 tickets maximum per person).
Direction: Anthony Scott Burns.
Production: Steven Hoban, Mark Smith, Brent Kawchuck.
Screenplay: Anthony Scott Burns, Daniel Weissenberger.
Editing: Anthony Scott Burns.
Photography: Anthony Scott Burns.
Music by: Electric Youth, Anthony Scott Burns.
With: Julia Sarah Stone, Landon Liboiron, Carlee Ryski.
Ville de Paris Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication - DRAC Île de France VDM: Video Digital Multimedia Lobster films La Spirale Geek le mag Chaos Reign Canal+
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